Rocket motor test stand, designed and built at VCU
The purpose of this test stand is to provide VCU and neighboring universities a universal platform to test and characterize student built rocket engines. This is the first of it’s kind at VCU, which further pushes the propulsion capabilities at our university.
My roles
Designed all iterations of test stand and motor adapter using SOLIDWORKS
Verified structural integrity using classical hand methods and SOLIDWORKS FEA
Utilized machining methods to solve issues in assembly
Led and assisted in final assembly of test stand
Test stand specifications
Max applied load: 1000 lbf
Max motor length: 40”
Max motor diameter: 12”
Motor interfaces with load cell via 1/2” bolt
Motor adapter
The first hot fire planned for this test will be with a commercial off the shelf (COTS) hybrid engine. This plan was selected with the aim of recreating already known and publish thrust data to verify that our data acquisition system is functioning as planned. This also gives our engineers an opportunity to perform an engine test with a cryogenic oxidizer, which has never been done before at VCU. To test a COTS engine, I had to design a motor adapter such that the engine applies the produced thrust onto the test stand while remaining statically placed within the test stand. The goal was to design the adapter will off the shelf components, thus minimizing manufacturing and material costs.
Motor case assembly and hot fire coming soon…